What I Do
For Buyers

Buyer Representation in London, and across the UK and Europe, is my specialty.

For buyers, the two most significant factors affecting your success are Access and Protection. This is where having an experienced advisor to guide and represent you makes all the difference...

“How can I get access to the entire market to find the right property, and who can I trust to protect my interests?”

I am an experienced, independent specialist, who works solely in your interest. When I undertake a search I work across the entire market, including giving you access to those discreet and off-market properties that most will never see. Working as your representative and guide, I provide you with full access, so no opportunity remains out of reach.

Once we’ve found the perfect property for you, it’s time for negotiation. I protect your interests every step of the way, arming you with all the facts, and negotiating on your behalf until we secure the best possible deal. I also simplify & streamline your experience - I take on the details, and the due diligence, so you don’t have to.

Clarify your options
Access the entire market
Lean on expert guidance
Outsource your due diligence
Simplify your experience
Negotiate to Win